Mimo has posted three of the four clues for his Winter Party this year. If you don't read Mimo's page, you can skip this. Here is my theory on what they are so far.
Clue 1
As you know I like Club Penguin Cheats
But this is what happens when I get cold feets
I like to party and I like to stare
But this is what happens when I get cold hair
I'm pretty phunnie sometimes but I don't like to gloat
But this is what happens when I'm without my coat
In Clue three, he mentions that this is possibly the server. If that is true, I think it will be on server Frozen. Why? Because being cold a lot, and if you are frozen, you are cold. If you have another theory please comment.
Clue 2
I think this is the date, because it has a large '27' on it, and Mimo says it is a possibility to be the date In the Third clue. I fit is, it will be the 27th, came day as the Snow Maze.
Clue 3
Do yo uhave the first two?
I think you do.
Is the server the first one?
Is the date the second one?
You could be wrong or right.
But the party will be outta sight!
But you're not done yet.
There's more clues to get.
But its not an easy one.
If you think you got it you're not done
It's not in bold if thats what you think
It's right beside it and its not the rink.
So push your brain bu not too hard.
You don't want to turn into a ... ;-]
I think this one's the hardest one yet... the bold letters spell out oolp, or when rearranged, pool. But he says "Its not in bold if thats what you think. It's right beside it and its not the rink." Beside the pool is the Mine or the Boiler room. So this could very well be where it is. But one thing is confusing, why would he put it under ground during the Snow Maze? Easy: He says "The party will be outta sight!" So that also points to underground, where the Mine and Boiler Room are.
So far this is what I think, comment if you think differently.
Server: Frozen
Date: 27th
Room: Boiler Room/Mine (or both?)
Time: Unknown
Unknown 2 U, CPN President